Selasa, 05 September 2017

The Weight Of The Body Difficult Post-operative Down Caesar? This Sports

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The Weight Of The Body Difficult Post-operative Down Caesar? This Sports


Jakarta, which thing is commonplace when body weight goes up most kg all time of pregnancy. But not all women can easily lose does it weigh again after childbirth, especially when doing caesarean section. But do not give up, most exercise efficient it down. A decrease in body weight after childbirth with the caesar is generally slower than vaginal birth. Because caesar is not very likely the mother to begin physical training with selekasnya. Beyond that, the rest of the wound in the stomach to make you more difficult obtaining the stomach flat. Need time 1 to 3 MTHS. to heal post-caesar. Women must be at the first with some basic exercises. These exercises work on the stomach as well as strengthen the muscles of the body. Post workout caesar must consider the fact if the abdominal muscles masihlah soft, you can not do strenuous exercise such as crunches ab selekasnya. The most exercise-lowering body weight that fit moms post-birth caesar, as written, Boldsky (29/6/2013): 1. Street cepatSetelah gave birth to caesar, a walk among the exercises are best for you. This sort of thing is safe as well as help warming up the muscles. Of post-operative women not yet powerful enough to run, up to a brisk walk would help lower the body's weight. 2. Aerobic aerobic ringanLatihan lightly either to a decrease in body weight after giving birth to caesar. Music would entertain you and will make your body sweat. 3. Tummy TwirlsLatihan is done with hulahoop movement but without placing the circles in the stomach. This helps to move the abdominal muscles without putting very much insistence. 4. Yoga poses bridge (Bridge Pose) with Yoga poses so idyllic bridge for women after giving birth. The first lay on her back and then lift up the body with legs and hands without folding the abdominal muscles. Exercise can strengthen this caesar post backs. 5. exercise basic panggulSampai You are strong enough to do crunches again, working on basic exercise pelvis. Lie down on the floor and pull Your belly button as well as a strong stomach, hold 30 seconds as well as free up. 6. BerenangSetelah insistence on giving birth, You would discover a swimming pool that is a place so enjoy. Water would give buoyancy to the Agency as well as a swimming pool that is one of the best exercises for losing body weight due to work on all the muscles of the body. 7. Spot joggingPara mother wrote can not get out of the House by leaving the baby alone, can try a spot of jogging or jogging in place. Standing in one place and started to run. This would give some cardio exercises as well as loosening muscle stress. 8. SkippingSetelah body is strong enough, you can do exercises such as jump rope or skipping. This would help train the muscles of the legs and a decrease in body weight. (mer/vta)


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