Rabu, 28 Maret 2018

Kopi Luwak More Pesticide-Free

synergy smart detox

Kopi Luwak More Pesticide-Free


Jakarta, Pesticides can lead to various health problems such as cancer, ADHD in children, nervous system problems and weaken the immune system. Fortunately for those who like coffee Luwak coffee because it is more free of pesticides. Pesticides are often referred to as 'poison'. But many farmers use pesticides to avoid damage or decay. Although in specific quantities, the use of pesticides for plants can still be tolerated body but it would be better if not as much as possible exposure. Why Kopi Luwak is free of pesticides? This is because pesticides on coffee has been 'cleaned' with a natural inside the stomach mongoose. Kopi Luwak is a type of coffee that is often consumed luwak or civet (Paradoxorus hermaphroditus) and natural fermentation in the stomach and digestive system of mammals. Coffee beans are not destroyed on a simple system of civet digestive system, because coffee beans are encased in a hard shell. Coffee beans will then also come out in unison with feces. The following coffee is known as kopi luwak. For some admirers as well as coffee enthusiasts, luwak coffee is judged to taste better than a different type of coffee. This kind of thing makes the price of kopi luwak soaring. "In essence, with the health of Luwak coffee has the same benefits as other coffee," "said Dr. Phaidon L Toruan, a health expert from Jakarta Anti-aging & Executive Fitness Consultant, detikHealth contacted on Wednesday (21/7 / 2010). But according to Dr. Phaidon, Luwak coffee has some advantages from other coffee, especially because coffee is made with natural in the stomach mongoose, namely: 1. Clean from pesticides Pesticides in coffee beans will also be 'cleaned' naturally inside the mongoose stomach. Until, the coffee that followed along with civet stool is free from the pesticide content at risk. 2. Coffee beans are taken the best coffee beans The mongoose animal instinct will definitely choose the best coffee beans or the most ripe. This opinion was agreed by Dr. Ir Yadi Haryadi, MSc, Food Technology Experts IPB. "" This gives an advantage, because in general coffee there is a chance to mix the raw coffee beans and cook, which can reduce the quality of coffee, "" explained Dr. Yadi. 3. A natural fermentation system in the digestive mongoose. "" The natural fermentation system in the mongoose stomach, gives a change in the chemical composition of the coffee beans, "" said Dr. Phaidon, author of the book Fat Loss Not Weight Loss. The natural fermentation of civet digestion can improve the quality of coffee taste, because there is exception in the maximum fermentation temperature, also assisted by enzyme and bacteria that exist in civet digestion. This fermentation results in lower coffee proteins and higher fats. Protein is associated with a bitter taste in coffee, so the lower the protein so the taste of coffee becomes less bitter. Medium high fat content, making coffee taste more delicious. This is the same as with different foods, the higher the fat so the food will also be more delicious. "But in essence, to avail health, civet coffee is also the same with a different coffee, which is still have the content of caffeine that can increase heart rate," "said Dr. Phaidon. (mer / ir)



Rabu, 07 Maret 2018

Der Körper dieses Kerls hat gepeitscht, nachdem er Shiitake-Pilze gegessen hatte

obat jerawat bruntusan

Der Körper dieses Kerls hat gepeitscht, nachdem er Shiitake-Pilze gegessen hatte


Jakarta, Ein Mann in Deutschland hat eine toxische Reaktion nach dem Besuch asiatischer Essen Fastening. Shiitake-Pilze werden konsumiert, um seinen Körper wie ein Kratzer zu zerquetschen.Ole Doktor, dieser 50-jährige Mann wurde mit Shiitake-Flagellaten-Dermatitis diagnostiziert. Die Bedingung tritt normalerweise auf, weil Shiitake-Pilze in rohen Bedingungen essen. Shiitake-Pilze sind weit verbreitet in asiatischen Lebensmitteln, bekannt, um eine Vielzahl von gesundheitlichen Vorteilen zu haben. Es ist jedoch bekannt, dass der Verzehr unter rohen Bedingungen eine toxische Reaktion auslöst. Eine Shiitake-Dermatitis wurde erstmals im Jahr 1977 von japanischen Wissenschaftlern entdeckt. Die Wissenschaftler fanden die Symptome von Prellungen wie Kratzspuren an einer Reihe von Patienten, die nach dem Verzehr von rohem Shiitake untersucht wurden. Reaksi ist wie Allergien, beinhaltet aber nicht das Immunsystem oder das Immunsystem. Die Wissenschaftler sagen, dass diese Reaktion von Lentinan-Molekülen in Shiitake-Pilzen ausgelöst wird. Lesen Sie auch: Der Effekt von Lazy Replace beim Schwitzen: Panu aufgrund von Immune Drop






Shiitake-Pilze sind sehr beliebt und gelten als gesunde Lebensmittel (Foto: thinkstock)






Zitiert aus Livestrong, löst Lentinan Dilatation oder Dilatation von Blutgefäßen mit wenig Entzündung unter der Haut. Diese Reaktion löst Prellungen wie Kratzer aus. Diese Blutergüsse treten normalerweise innerhalb von Tagen nach dem Essen von Shiitake auf und verschwinden nach 10 bis 20 Tagen von selbst. Diese Reaktion wird erwähnt, um keine langfristigen Schäden auszulösen. Nach der Meldung von Mailymail können einige Arten von Chemotherapeutika auch eine ähnliche Reaktion auslösen.Lesen Sie auch: Pilze für medizinische Zwecke (nach oben / nach oben)





Sabtu, 03 Maret 2018

Provata, a piedi può correggere la disfunzione erettile


Provata, a piedi può correggere la disfunzione erettile


Jakarta, un motivo in più per ridurre la posizione seduta tutto il giorno. Numerosi studi hanno dimostrato che camminare può ridurre il rischio di disfunzione erettile negli uomini. Uno come pubblicato sulla rivista Urology nel 2000 fa. In uno studio condotto su 600 uomini, il rischio di disfunzione erettile è stato osservato più basso nei partecipanti che avevano abitudini a camminare negli ultimi 9 anni. Lo stesso studio ha anche dimostrato che smettere di fumare, perdere peso e ridurre l'assunzione di alcol potrebbe avere un effetto simile. Ciò significa camminare ugualmente bene con varie modifiche allo stile di vita. Leggi anche: Strong Origin Ngos-ngosan, Super Short Sports Si sostiene molto utile Un altro studio condotto nel 2015 e pubblicato sull'American Journal of Cardiology. Nei partecipanti con infarto miocardico acuto, il rischio di disfunzione erettile si riduce quando si esegue un programma sportivo che include la camminata a casa. Citato da NYdailynews, gli studi suggeriscono che camminare è un modo semplice per contrastare la disfunzione erettile. A velocità moderata, camminare per 2 miglia o circa 3 km richiede solo circa 30-45 minuti. Leggi anche: Hai bisogno di camminare così lontano per rischiare di sederti troppo vecchio (up / vit)